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Debug native via UWA / SRA kit

Spawn msvsmon

  1. Starting MSVSMon

We have 4 versions of debugmon available:

General -> J:\tools\debugmon\msvsmon.exe

VS v14 (VS 2015) -> J:\tools\debugmon\debugmondev14payload\msvsmon.exe

VS v15 (VS 2017) -> J:\tools\debugmon\debugmondev15payload\msvsmon.exe

VS v16 (VS 2019) -> J:\tools\debugmon\debugmondev16payload\msvsmon.exe

NOTE: I used VS2019 on the Development-PC and had minimal success with the "general" msvsmon, debugmondev16payload worked nicely tho.

Choose the version that you like best, navigate to the dir and, in an admin shell, execute:

msvsmon.exe /noauth /anyuser

If the following message pops up:

Msvsmon Message: Msvsmon has been launched with the '/noauth' option, which disables authentication. This is a security risk. This option should only be used on networks that have no hostile traffic, and should never be used to debug across the internet.

Are you sure you want to continue? (Use /nosecuritywarn to suppress this warning)

Do as it says and append /nosecuritywarn to the msvsmon.exe call.

  1. Checking port of MSVSMon

Some msvsmon executable are talkative and tell you the port they bind to. Setting a port manually seems hit-miss whether it works.

To find the port used, use netstat.exe (copied from your Win10 x64 build). Ensure to also copy the en-US folder next to the .exe with the appropriate .mui files.



Call netstat.exe -bao - The port of MSVSMon is usually in the range of 4020-4026.

  1. In Visual Studio, in the top toolbar, go to Debug -> Attach to Process
  2. Connection Type: Remote (no authentication) Connection target: <Xbox-IP>:<PORT>


Choose process to debug and profit!

dbgsrv in reverse mode / Userspace remote debugging

NOTE: Use if you can't open the firewall for incoming connections (f.e. on RETAIL)

dbgsrv/cdb are part of Windows 10 SDK


On Xbox

# With dbgsrv
.\dbgsrv  -t tcp:port=1333,clicon=<PC IP>
# with cdb
.\cdb.exe /server tcp:clicon=<PC IP>,port=1333 tlist.exe


# Old windbg, connecting to dbgsrv
.\windbg -premote tcp:clicon=<PC IP>,port=1333 tlist.exe
# WinDbgX (WinDbg Preview), connecting to cdb
WinDbgX.exe /remote tcp:clicon=<PC IP>,port=1333
Authors: tuxuser