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Launching Game OS & Game Executables

A new instance of Game OS is created everytime a game is launched, the coordination of which is handled by System OS with the assistance of Host OS. There is not a single Game OS image, instead each game has the ability to include its own Game OS image as part of its XCRD user content ([XUC:]).

Launch Sequence


  box Grey SystemOS<br>(user)
    participant gamecontroller as Game Controller<br>(?)
    participant eraproxy as ERA Proxy UWP App<br>(eraproxyapp.exe)
    participant eracontrol as ERA Control Service<br>(eracontrol.exe)
    participant eracontrol2 as ERA Control Service<br>(background thread)
  box Grey SystemOS<br>(kernel)
    participant xvmctrl as Xbox VM Control<br>(xvmctrl.sys)

  participant hostos as HostOS

  box Grey GameOS (EraOS)
    participant xamss as Xamss<br>(xamss.exe)
    participant comsrvhost as ComSrvHost<br>(comsrvhost.exe)
    participant game as Game Process<br>(ActivatableApplication)

gamecontroller->>eraproxy: Create UWP Process
eraproxy->>eracontrol: StartEraVm(EraCreationRequest)<br>(IXboxEraControlManager)
activate eraproxy
note over eracontrol: Create EraAppControl instance
eracontrol->>eracontrol: EraAppControl.Activate()
activate eracontrol
eracontrol->>xvmctrl: Launch Era VM<br>(0x150100)
xvmctrl->>hostos: Launch ERA VM
note over hostos: Kickoff GameOS VM Startup
xvmctrl-->>eracontrol: ack

eracontrol-->>eraproxy: EraAppControl
deactivate eracontrol
deactivate eraproxy
note over eraproxy: UWP Proxy App Setup<br>CoreApplication.Run(FrameworkViewSource)<br>FrameworkViewSource.CreateView()<br>FrameworkView.Initialize(CoreApplicationView)<br>FrameworkView.Run()
eraproxy-->>eraproxy: CoreApplicationView.Activate()
activate eraproxy

note over xamss: Startup
xamss->>comsrvhost: Create Process
activate comsrvhost
comsrvhost->>eracontrol: IXboxSRAManager.Attach(IGameOsManager)
activate eracontrol
eracontrol->>eracontrol2: Create thread
activate eracontrol2
eracontrol-->>comsrvhost: ISystemOsManager
deactivate comsrvhost
deactivate eracontrol
eracontrol2->>comsrvhost: SetTimeZone()<br>(IGameOsManager)
activate comsrvhost
comsrvhost-->>eracontrol2: ack 
deactivate comsrvhost
eracontrol2->>comsrvhost: SetupAndLaunchGame()<br>(IGameOsManager)
activate comsrvhost
note over comsrvhost: Sets up Game<br>(mount XVDs, loads registry, etc)
comsrvhost->>game: Create Process<br>(IActivatableApplication)
comsrvhost-->>eracontrol2: ack
deactivate comsrvhost
note over eracontrol2: Wait for EraAppControl.Activate()<br>to provide IActivatedEventArgs

eraproxy->>eracontrol: Activate(EntryPoint, IActivatedEventArgs)<br>(EraAppControl)
activate eracontrol
eracontrol--xeracontrol2: IActivatedEventArgs
eracontrol2->>comsrvhost: CompleteLaunchAndActivate(LaunchActivatedEventArgs)<br>(IGameOsManager)
activate comsrvhost
comsrvhost->>game: Activate(IActivatedEventArgs)<br>(IActivatableApplication)
activate game
game-->>comsrvhost: ack
deactivate game
comsrvhost-->>eracontrol2: ack
deactivate comsrvhost
eracontrol2--xeracontrol: Event
eracontrol-->>eraproxy: ack
deactivate eracontrol
deactivate eraproxy

activate game
note over game: Game begins

note over eracontrol2: Monitor Proxy App, Game OS VM

deactivate game
deactivate eracontrol2

ERA Proxy UWP App (eraproxyapp.exe, SystemOS)

The proxy app serves as an abstraction that allows SystemOS to launch games via normal UWP application interfaces with no awareness that it is backed by GameOS. It's responsibility is managing UWP lifecycle events (activate, suspend, resume, user change, window visibility change, window active change) dictated by SystemOS and proxying them to GameOS via the ERA Control Service.

When the operationg system launches this process, it is given a single argument, -ServerName:XXXXXX. The value here corresponds with a UWP identifier, such as Vermintide2.App.AppX{...}.mca. This value is one of many used when calling ERA Control Service to launch the ERA VM.

Upon startup, the program will:

  1. Invoke ERA Control Services EraAppControl.StartEraVm() method to kick off the ERA VM launch process
  2. UWP app lifecycle kicks off via a call to CoreApplication.Run() which will invoke app initialization via calls to FrameworkViewSource.CreateView() and FrameworkView.Initialize()
  3. App initialization begins
    • Activate lifecycle event hook is installed via CoreApplicationView.Activated()
    • Resume lifecycle event hook is installed via ICoreApplication::add_Resuming()
    • Suspend lifecycle event hook is installed via ICoreApplication::add_Suspending()
    • User change event hook is installed via CoreApplicationContext.OnCurrentUserChange()
    • Window visibility change event hook is installed
    • Window active change event hook is installed
    • IEraAppControlEvents COM object is shared with ERA Control Service via EraAppControl.SetIEraAppControlEvents()

Event hooks:

  • When an activate UWP lifecycle event is received, invokes EraAppControl.Activate(entryPoint, IActivatedEventArgs) where entryPoint corresponds with the appxmanifest.xml <Application EntryPoint="XXX"> field, eg Vermintide2.App.
  • When a resume UWP lifecycle event is received, invokes EraAppControl.Resume().
  • When a suspend UWP lifecycle event is received, invokes EraAppControl.Suspend().
  • When a user change event is received, invokes EraAppControl.UpdateUser(UserId, unkUserData)
  • When a window activation event is received, invokes EraAppControl.WindowActivated(unk0, unk1)
  • When a window visibility event is received, invokes EraAppControl.VisibilityChanged(unk0)

Hosted COM interfaces

  • IEraAppControlEvents
    • REFIID F1C233E8-8825-4ADF-B9DA-79708EC2652A
    • Instance sent to EraAppControl, which can use it to communicate back with the proxy
    • Contains Keyboard/Mouse related methods

ERA Control Service (eracontrol.exe, SystemOS)

The ERA Control Service is a Service (IEraControlStatic) responsible for handling the ERA VM lifecycle within SystemOS, handling commands from the ERA Proxy UWP App and communicating directly with GameOS via ComSrvHost. System panics will occur when detaching a debugger from this executable, or when attempting to stop the service.

The ERA Proxy UWP App invokes the IEraControlStatic.StartEraVm() method to kick off the Game OS launch and receive an instance of IEraAppControl. Subsequent calls from the ERA Proxy UWP App utilizes the IEraAppControl COM object to manage the Game OS VM as well as the game itself. Additionally, IEraControlStatic is called by other system components to do things like enable hardware mice and constrain or kill the VM.

IEraControlStatic COM interface

This is the static service COM object, used to launch and manage Game OS VMs.

  • CLSID D9845246-4E76-4C99-A679-BBDA152C319D
  • REFIID 7F09F76D-B94E-4AA8-BD33-46261EF01261
  • Notable methods:
    • StartEraVm()
    • Attach()

StartEraVm() method

This method is responsible for kicking off the Game OS VM and for returning an instance of IEraAppControl which can be used by the ERA Proxy UWP App to manage the VM and its game. Interestingly, while this method takes in quite a bit of information it sends very little of it to HostOS via XVmCtrl, indicating that HostOS is not involved in validating many of the parameters used to create a Game OS VM.

This method will:

  1. Handle existing Game OS VMs (eg quick resume, kill)
  2. Calls AppPackageMountManager to retrieve the temp XVD name for the package (eg temp01)
  3. Retrieve compatibility flags
  4. Calls XvmCtrl (\\.\XVmCtrl) to launch the Game OS VM via device code 0x150100
  5. For non-normal launch types (quick resume?):
    • Calls XvmCtrl (\\.\XVmCtrl) to retrieve currently loaded content ids via device code 0x150264
    • Calls IContentPackageManagerService.RemovePackageFromMonitorList() or IAppLicenseManager.RemoveLicensesForInstalledPackages() to stop listening to package/license changes
    • Calls XvmCtrl (\\.\XVmCtrl) via device code 0x150268
    • Calls XvmCtrl (\\.\XVmCtrl) to restore the Game OS VM via device code 0x15020C
  6. Creates event listeners to detect if the ERA Proxy UWP App crashes
  7. Queries WNF state data to retrieve the logged in user data via code 0x19890C35A3BCE075
  8. Creates an instance of EraAppControl
  9. Publishes WNF state data via code 0x19890C35A3BD5875

Information passed to this method:

  • Locale (eg en-US)
  • Timezone (eg Mountain Standard Time)
  • CountryCode (eg US)
  • GeoId (eg 244)
  • GameTitleId (eg 0x3C108361)
  • ServiceConfigId (eg c05f0100-eac5-49eb-943f-1a0e3c108361)
  • XboxLiveInfo (TODO)
  • applicationUserModelId (eg (Vermintide2_syvdkwgxvaj72!Vermintide2.App)
  • serverName (eg Vermintide2.App.AppX{...}.mca)
  • packageFamilyName (eg Vermintide2_syvdkwgxvaj72)
  • packageFullName (eg Vermintide2_1.0.0.386_x64__syvdkwgxvaj72)
  • VmXcrdFileNameWithoutExtension (eg era)
  • environment (TODO)
  • partitionId (eg 1 for [XUC:])
  • mode (TODO)
  • eraProxyAppExe_processId
  • gpuPolicy (eg VARIABLE)
  • titleMemoryPolicy (eg FIXED)
  • TitleId (eg 0x3C108361)
  • titleScratchPath (TODO)
  • isFissionApp (Xbox backwards compatibility engine)
  • maxTitleMemory (eg 0x1C00)
  • unk58
  • unk68 (something related to memory size being enabled)
  • flags (Xbox Series X console, AnisoBoost, AutoHdr)
  • unk70
  • vSyncMode
  • launchType (normal, quick resume)

IXboxSRAManager COM interface

This is a static COM object (IEraPsmControlEventsStatic) that is used by ComSrvHost in Game OS to communicate with System OS.

  • CLSID CAC3C1BC-F8C9-4947-9EA5-7F811ADCBD19
  • REFIID 7473D680-1F9E-4CE4-9355-8F8B61199B5D
  • Notable methods:
    • Attach()

Attach() method

This method is called by ComSrvHost in Game OS when the VM is up and ready to launch a game. It is responsible for swapping COM objects that will be used to communicate between System OS and Game OS during the lifecycle of the Game and VM. Game OS provides the IGameOsManager object for SystemOS to communicate with, and SystemOS provides ISystemOsManager for GameOS to communicate with.

Once objects have been swapped, a background thread will call IGameOsManager.SetTimeZone() and more importantly IGameOsManager.SetupAndLaunchGame(). The latter which will create the Game process within Game OS, but in an inactive state. It will then wait on IEraAppControl.Activate() to be called, which will supply a IActivatedEventsArgs instance. It then clones & modifies the IActivatedEventsArgs arguments before passing it to GameOS via IGameOsManager.CompleteLaunchAndActivate() which will invoke the Activate() method on the Game processes IActivatableApplication. At this point the Game should be launched and running, so the background thread shifts to monitoring the various components and tearing down the VM (and publishing crash dumps) when appropriate.

IEraAppControl COM interface

This COM object represents a Game OS instance, allowing for the ERA Proxy UWP App to interface with a Game within a running Game OS.

  • REFIID D6A35B74-7FE3-479F-9C11-A7DD1176630A
  • Notable methods:
    • Activate()
    • Resume()
    • Suspend()
    • SetIEraAppControlEvents()

Activate() method

This method is invoked by the ERA Proxy UWP App when it has reached the activated state of its lifecycle. This method will wait until IXboxSRAManager.Attach() is called by Game OS ComSrvHost before performing any work, ensuring that the Game OS is ready and a Game process has been created. It will then provide its IActivatedEventArgs to the IEraAppControl background thread, which will then use it to invoke IGameOsManager.CompleteLaunchAndActivate(). Once that has completed successfully, this method will return.

ISystemOSManager COM interface

This is the interface that is swapped with Game OS and allows for Game OS to perform actions within System OS. When paired with its Game OS counterpart IGameOSManager a bi-directional communication bridge is established between System OS and Game OS.

  • REFIID 83C3BCAB-48C1-4B9E-B313-A1C7182EBABF
  • AKA IEraPsmControlEvents
  • Notable methods:
    • GameProcessLaunchedCallback()

Xbox VM Control (xvmctrl.sys, SystemOS)

This is a System OS kernel driver that is used to control/query the Game OS VM.

Notable commands:

  • LAUNCH_ERA_VM (0x150100)
  • TERMINATE_ERA_VM (0x150104)
  • RESTORE_ERA_VM (0x15020C)
  • QUERY_TITLE_VM_INFO (0x150114)
  • WAIT_VM_TERMINATE (0x150118)
  • CONSTRAIN_VM (0x15010C)


This command is used to start the Game OS VM. It takes a dynamically sized request payload that contains the following information:

  • flags
  • titleId (eg 0x3C108361)
  • bootXvdPath (eg [XVE:]\[XUC:]\7C7EB620-5F1A-4DFF-8375-1446377CB1E8)
  • altBootXvdPath (eg [XUC:]\era.xvd)
  • packageFullName (eg Vermintide2_1.0.0.386_x64__syvdkwgxvaj72)
  • applicationUserModelId (eg (Vermintide2_syvdkwgxvaj72!Vermintide2.App)
  • vmShutDownEvent
  • maxTitleMemoryInMegabytes
  • unk52
  • tempXcdSlotNumber (eg 1 for temp01)
  • xboxLiveTitleContentGuid (eg {7C7EB620-5F1A-4DFF-8375-1446377CB1E8})
    • Maps to XVD VDUID & UDUID
  • xboxLiveTitleBuildGuid (eg {4789dd49-9bb6-490a-94ce-21c2dd556c24})
    • Maps to XVD PDUID
  • xcdPartitionId (eg 1 for [XUC:])
  • compatMode
  • unk88
  • unk90
  • compatibilitySettings
  • activationSequenceNumber
  • unka4

Interestingly, none of these fields are validated/verified before the Game OS VM starts up. As long as at least one valid XVD path is given in bootXvdPath or altBootXvdPath, the Game OS VM will start up and invoke the IXboxSRAManager.Attach() method. However, some of these fields are persisted within HostOS and eventually vended via the QUERY_TITLE_VM_INFO command.


This command is used by Game OS and System OS to query information about the currently running Game OS VM. Its payload is 0x214 bytes long and contains the following information:

  • unk0 (1 when VM is loaded, 0 otherwise)
  • titleInstanceId (unique [auto-incrementing] id for the Game OS VM instance)
  • unk8 (1 when VM is loaded, 0 otherwise)
  • packageFullName (eg Vermintide2_1.0.0.386_x64__syvdkwgxvaj72)
  • applicationUserModelId (eg (Vermintide2_syvdkwgxvaj72!Vermintide2.App)
  • unk60
  • unk160

ComSrvHost (comsrvhost.exe, GameOS)

ComSrvHost is launched by xamss.exe in Game OS after startup. It is responsible for reaching out to IXboxSRAManager in System OS to exchange COM objects used to communicate between the two, as well as launching , monitoring and managing the Game process. It is the Game OS counterpart to ERA Control Service.

On startup, it will call IXboxSRAManager.Attach() and provide System OS a IGameOSManager while receiving back a ISystemOSManager. The IGameOSManager has many methods for managing the game, but the important ones are 1) SetupAndLaunchGame() which is responsible for setting up and launching the Game process, and 2) CompleteLaunchAndActivate which is responsible for invoking Activate() on the Game processes IActivatableApplication.

IGameOSManager COM interface

This is the interface that is swapped with System OS and allows for System OS to perform actions within Game OS. When paired with its System OS counterpart ISystemOSManager a bi-directional communication bridge is established between System OS and Game OS.

  • CLSID 9F91A319-2D53-4154-823C-994FFEEFFBC5
  • REFIID 0A82F5CE-E84A-40E0-8635-52C6F99938EA
  • AKA IEraPsmService
  • Notable methods:
    • SetupAndLaunchGame()
    • CompleteLaunchAndActivate()
    • FastRestart()

SetupAndLaunchGame() method

This method is responsible for preparing Game OS for the game launch, as well as launching the game in an inactive state. Steps performed by this method:

  • Set the Software\CurrentTitle\ApplicationUserModelId registry key
  • Set the Users Locale
  • Set the Users Geographic Identifier
  • Set the Users Timezone
  • Calls \\.\xvmmcli with code 0x150044 to delete the \\Global??\\G: symbolic link
  • Builds the XVD path using the partition id and XVD path and mounts via XCrdMount()
    • Mounts with READONLY flag if the XVD has encryption or data integrity enabled
  • Creates a symbolic link G: which points to the mounted XVD path
  • Attempts to mount [XTE:]\tempXX and create symbolic link T:, if the XVD cannot mount (does not exist, etc) it will create the temp XVD
    • Temp XVD will be created with flags EncryptionEnabled | TitleSpecific and XvdContentType.SCRATCH
  • Loads registry hive file G:\appdata.bin into \REGISTRY\MACHINE\XBOX
  • Makes a call to the epmapper RPC endpoint
  • Finds and launches the game process
    • Queries the Windows.Foundation.ExtensionCatalog to find the application based on the package name
    • Compares IExeServerActivatableClassRegistration to find the one that matches the given server name
    • Creates a IActivatableApplication that represents the game process

NOTE: This method performs additional actions when run on a non-retail Xbox, such as launching Pixie and mounting the D drive.

CompleteLaunchAndActivate() method

This method is responsible for invoking the Activate() method on the Game processes IActivatableApplication interface, fully launching the Game running within Game OS.

Additional notes

Concurrent instances

Prior to Xbox Series, only one Game OS instance could exist at a time. With the introducing of quick resume in Series X, up to three Game OS instances can exist, with only one in a running state at once (with others in suspended state). The lifecycle of these is handled via the suspend/restore methods.

Authors: kwsimons