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Moves an application from one drive to another or manages installation of an application on the target Xbox One development console.

Cancels the move or install on the target Xbox One development console.


Method Request URI
Delete /ext/app/move

URI parameters

Parameter Format Description
installid base64-encoded string

Request headers

  • None

Request body

  • None


  • None

Status code

This API has the following expected status codes.

HTTP status code Description
200 Success
4XX Error codes
5XX Error codes

Gets the move or install status from an installid.


Method Request URI
Get /ext/app/move

URI parameters

Parameter Format Description
installid base64-encoded string

Request headers

  • None

Request body

  • None


  • If the call is successful, the service will return a JSON object with the following members.
Member Description
installProgress Number. This value is a percent between 0 and 100 for the move or installs current progress.
isRunning Boolean. If this value is true, the specified move or install is still running. If it is no longer running this value will be false or the method will return an HTTP 404 indicating the install was not found.

Status code

This API has the following expected status codes.

HTTP status code Description
204 The request to enable Fiddler was accepted. Fiddler will be enabled the next time the device reboots.
4XX Error codes
5XX Error codes

Moves a given application from one drive to another drive.


Method Request URI
Post /ext/app/move

URI parameters

Member Format Description
packagefullname base64-encoded string
destinationDrive string

Request headers

  • None

Request body

  • None


  • If the call is successful, the service will return a JSON object with the following members.
Parameter Format Description
installid string

Status code

This API has the following expected status codes.

HTTP status code Description
204 The request to disable Fiddler tracing was successful. Tracing will be disabled on the next reboot of the device.
4XX Error codes
5XX Error codes

Available device families

  • Windows Xbox

Credits Microsoft

Authors: tunip3