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Xbox Info API reference

You can access Xbox One device information using this API.

Get Xbox One device information


You can get device information about your Xbox One.

Method Request URI
GET /ext/xbox/info

URI parameters

  • None

Request headers

  • None

Request body

  • None


A JSON object with the following fields:

  • OsVersion - (String) The version of the OS.
  • OsEdition - (String) The edition of the OS, such as "March 2017" or "March 2017 QFE 1".
  • ConsoleId - (String) The console's ID.
  • DeviceId - (String) The console's Xbox Live Device Id.
  • SerialNumber - (String) The console's serial number.
  • DevMode - (String) The console's current developer mode, such as "None" or "Retail".
  • ConsoleType - (String) The console's type, such as "Xbox One" or "Xbox One S".
  • DevkitCertificateExpirationTime - (Number) The UTC Time in seconds when the console's developer kit certificate will expire.

Status code

This API has the following expected status codes.

HTTP status code Description
200 Request was successful
4XX Error codes
5XX Error codes

Available device families

  • Windows Xbox

Credits Microsoft

Authors: tunip3