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Xbox Live User Management


You can get the list of users on the console, or update the list--adding, removing, signing in, signing out, or modifying existing users.

Method Request URI
GET /ext/user
PUT /ext/user

URI parameters

  • None

Request headers

  • None

Request body

Calls to PUT should include a JSON array with the following structure:

  • Users
  • AutoSignIn (optional) : bool disabling or enabling automatic signin for the account specified by EmailAddress or UserId.
  • EmailAddress (optional - must be provided if UserId is not provided unless signing in a sponsored user) : Email address specifying the user to modify/add/delete.
  • Password (optional - must be provided if the user isn't currently on the console) : Password used for adding a new user to the console.
  • SignedIn (optional) : bool specifying whether the provided account should be signed in or out.
  • UserId (optional - must be provided if EmailAddress is not provided unless signing in a sponsored user) : UserId specifying the user to modify/add/delete.
  • SponsoredUser (optional) : bool specifying whether to add a sponsored user.
  • Delete (optional) : bool specifying to delete this user from the console


Response body

Calls to GET will return a JSON array with the following properties:

  • Users
  • AutoSignIn (optional)
  • EmailAddress (optional)
  • Gamertag
  • SignedIn
  • UserId
  • XboxUserId
  • SponsoredUser (optional)

Status code

This API has the following expected status codes.

HTTP status code Description
200 Call to GET was successful and JSON array of users returned in the response body
204 Call to PUT was successful and the users on the console have been updated
4XX Various errors for invalid request data or format
5XX Error codes for unexpected failures

Credits Microsoft

Authors: tunip3