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XEO3 - Xbox360 and Classic Xbox emulator

XEO3 is the Xbox 360 and Original Xbox emulator executable for the Xbox One/Series's ERA partition.

Executable Arguments

Argument Description Example Usage
-compiler Select the JIT compiler (default option) Unknown
-interpreter Select the interpreter Unknown
-dvd pathname Specify host path for simulated DVD -dvd D:\Game
-flash pathname Specify host path for simulated Flash Filesystem -flash D:\Flash
-disk pathname Specify host path for simulated Hard disk -disk D:\HardDisk
-mu0 pathname Specify host path for simulated memory unit 0 -mu0 D:\MUOne
-mu1 pathname Specify host path for simulated memory unit 1 -mu1 D:\MUTwo
-log pathname Specify host path for write logging files -log D:\xeo3logs
-testpass Enable data gathering for test pass Unknown
-msaa [on or off] Enable/disable multisample anti-aliasing (default is enabled) -msaa on
-fs Run in full screen mode -fs
-net[:macaddress] Enable networking -net:12-34-56-78-9a-bc
-xma Enable XMA emulation via CMODEL or Hardware Unknown
-kernel filename Specify host path to the guest kernel binary -kernel D:\xboxkrnlce.exe
-hvdata filename Specify host path to the guest hypervisor data blob -hvdata D:\xboxkrnlce.hvdata


  • xboxkrnlce.exe and .hvdata can be found in the Flash folder of a Backwards Compat game's XVC. Version 17003 has leaked publicly.
  • The emulated Xbox 360 does not display a serial number.
  • If a BC Game is deployed in Dev Mode, the XDK's Xbox Console Manager (The GDK dropped this functionality) can be used to capture kernel debug logging from the emulated kernel, when launching the game from the Console Manager.


XEO3, known as emu.exe, was first located by TitleOS, who dumped it from a plaintext XVDP of eratools captured from a Xbox Live update before releasing it via Twitter.

XEO3 Shaders

Little is currently known about the XEO3 shader format, for example how the original shaders from Xbox 360 games are converted into the DirectX 11 Durango format. While it is known that that Backwards Compat games' XVCs contain DirectX 11 Durango format shaders in the DLL file format, creation or rendering of these shaders is not currently possible.

These shaders appear critical to running any graphical xex, as evidenced by attempting to run XeXMenu on the emulator.

Example: xeo3_3bfc9c1a_932fc286_956f016e_98ef8821_6b9d46d0.dll (From CastleCrashers)

Authors: Emily, TitleOS, tuxuser