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Network Credentials API reference

You can add, remove, or update stored network credentials on your devkit using this REST API.

Get existing credentials


You can get a list of the stored shares along with the username of the user who has credentials for that network share.

Method Request URI
GET /ext/networkcredential

URI parameters

  • None

Request headers

  • None

Request body

  • None


  • JSON array in the following format:
  • Credentials
  • NetworkPath - The path to the network share.
  • Username - The username which has stored credentials.

Status code

This API has the following expected status codes.

HTTP status code Description
200 Success
4XX Error codes
5XX Error codes

Add or update stored credentials for a user


Method Request URI
POST /ext/networkcredential

URI parameters

You can specify the following additional parameters on the request URI:

URI parameter Description
NetworkPath The network path to the share you are adding credentials to access.

Request headers

  • None

Request body

  • The following JSON elements:
  • NetworkPath - The path to the network share.
  • Username - The username to store the credentials under.
  • Password - The new or updated password for this user.


  • None

Status code

This API has the following expected status codes.

HTTP status code Description
204 Success
4XX Error codes
5XX Error codes

Remove stored credentials for a share.


Method Request URI
DELETE /ext/networkcredential

URI parameters

You can specify the following additional parameters on the request URI:

URI parameter Description
NetworkPath The network path to the share from which you are removing stored credentials.

Request headers

  • None

Request body

  • None


  • None

Status code

This API has the following expected status codes.

HTTP status code Description
204 The request to the credentials was successful.
4XX Error codes
5XX Error codes

Available device families

  • Windows Xbox

Credits Microsoft

Authors: tunip3